Saturday, June 28, 2008


Jim aboard The Spirit
Melva in the stateroom
Melva under the Carnival Spirit sign
College Fjord
traveling directly north
We are off the ship for a time. We arrived in Juneau early this morning. When we got up, around a.m. we were docked.

The night was a bit rough. As we went north, out of Sitka and into the entrance to Icy Straight and on north to Juneau, the Gulf of Alaska was rough, but the channels were fine. I got up around 3:00 a.m. to watch as we went through the Straight.

I am presently sitting in Heritage Coffee House in Juneau. They have free internet, so I am able to post. The ship's internet is EXPENSIVE!! The first post I made, just logging in and making the quick post, and checking email cost over $20, so I decided to find a free place. The library is closed, so I found this place. If you are ever in Juneau, the Coffee Mocha is great and the internet free.

We will be in Juneau until 10:30 tonight. Then we will push off for Skagway. We will be having a barbecue at the home of Don and Betty Hather, good friends of ours from our Tok, AK days. Don was the wrestling coach and PE teacher, and one of the best friends we had the whole time we were in Alaska. Hopefully we are eating barbecued Salmon. He has the best recipe for it I have ever eaten.

Food on the ship is endless. They have great food and many restaurants to eat at. You just go in and order what you want. No bill to sign or pay.

The steward visits our room at least twice a day, so Melva loves that! Speaking of Melva, she is off getting more "free" stuff from the shops. Coupons we are given on the boat.

If you read my blog, please respond, I would love to know who is out there who might be reading this.


Connie said...

Hi Mr. Wood,
So glad to hear you and your wife are traveling and enjoying yourself.

I have known your daughter, Charity, from the internet for many years. She is one talent lady!God has indeed Blessed her with many talents. She was the first person I knew to homeschool her kids and she has raised two neat boys.

I don't think there is anything she can't do.

My DH and I have been married 48 years this August. We were high school sweethearts and met when we were 15 and 16. We dated three years before we were married so we go way back. LOL

My husband retired in 2006 and we have a 2005, 3500 Diesel Dodge and pull a 34ft Montana. We are going West this August and we hopefully will get to spend three or four months in Florida this winter. We live in the Midwest (Indiana) and it gets cold.

Will continue to read your blog. You and your wife enjoy yourself and tell Charity hello.


Anonymous said...

Oh I'm green...with jealousy, not sea sickness ;) I visit your daughters blog and followed the link here. What fun to be able to travel...we pray we'll be able to someday.

Cruising Alaska is the very highest on our wish list! I keep trying to talk my husband into it...he keeps complaining about pesky things like the kids and bills that might notice we're not here lol.

We took our first and only cruise about three years ago on a Carnival ship...we had a wonderful time :o) Enjoy...I look forward to reading more about your adventures...and living vicarously thru you for awhile :o)

Safe Traveling,
Laura in VA

AllisonC said...

hi Jim, I'm in Hong Kong and read your daughters blog. Fabulous pictures you have posted. I am terrified of boats and your description of the rough waters makes me feel very nervous so I will have a cruise vacation through your blog! Have a wonderful trip!

Gwen said...

Hi! My name is Gwen, and I am a regular reader of your daughter's blog, which is how I found yours. :)

Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary - that is very special! We've just celebrated our 25th and I'm looking forward to our 50th someday!

Your pictures are gorgeous - I'd love to go to Alaska someday, although the cruise sounds a bit rougher (seas-wise) than what we experienced on our only cruise in the Caribbean.

I'm looking forward to following your entire anniversary voyage. :)